Monday, December 6, 2010


We keep on demanding why people around the globe cannot understand us. We demand understanding yet you yourself does not understand your personality.By the way, what is personality?...yes, it is our character...but how do you react to others behavior? or you might have the personality disorder.

Personality disorder, formerly referred to as character disorder. The American Psychiatric Association (APA)defines as "an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of the culture of the individual who exhibits".It is either because of our tragic experience, community relations, peer relations, or even in our family relation that we have traumatic experience that cause to a sudden change of our behavior or shall I say Personality. This follows to a personality disorder.

There are clusters of personality disorder. (

A. Odd unusual Behavior
a. Paranoid personality - a person feels that everybody is against him/her when in reality this is not.
b. Schizoid personality - apathetic to others and no desire to socialize.

B. Dramatic, emotional or erratic behavior
a. Antisocial personality - avoiding people
b. Borderline personality - erratic emotions and relating to people
c. Histrionic personality - attention seekers-manipulators. Tends to exaggerate relationships.
d. Narcissistic personality - self centered person

C. Anxious fearful
a. Avoidant personality disorder - fear of taking risks, gullible, hyper-sensitive, avoids all things that include social interaction.
b. Dependent personality disorder - due to neglect-needy, has been abandoned and feel it will happen again.
c. Obsessive-compulsive personality - with consistent thoughts. Compiling thoughts and obsessions concerning things that aren't reality.

Those are just common personality disorders that I wish you to reflect. Examine yourself and answer the question WHO AM I?....Basically, we avoid to discuss our personality because the truth hurts. Yes, it hurts but this is were we grow. According to Jesus Christ, "The truth will set us free". There is still enough time to be friendly, humble, patience and to live in fair. To live fairly is to give justice and we can easily understand the community that surrounds us.

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